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Research Document 2017/003

Potential monitoring indicators, protocols and strategies for the Anguniaqvia Niqiqyuam Area of Interest

By Schimnowski, O., Chmelnitsky, E., Hedges, K. and Loseto, L.


Darnley Bay is located in the western Canadian Arctic within the Beaufort Sea Large Ocean Management Area and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. A portion of Darnley Bay was nominated as an area of interest and the Cape Parry Offshore Feeding Habitat was identified as the priority area. The Cape Parry priority area was chosen to maintain the integrity of the marine environment offshore of Cape Parry to protect staging sea ducks, feeding seabirds and marine mammals. The conservation objective established for the area guided the selection of appropriate indicators for a monitoring program. Indicators were selected based on their relevance to the conservation objectives and sensitivity to anthropogenic stressors. Indicators were divided into two categories: core indicators and background indicators necessary for establishing baseline levels and interpreting changes in core indicators. Eleven core indicators and three background indicators were identified. Many of the indicators can be monitored through participatory and community-based monitoring, nearshore and offshore sampling, and/or remote sensing and existing weather station data. A monitoring program will need to be developed for the Cape Parry priority area to evaluate how well the conservation objective is being met. This is of particular importance given the potential for increased human activity in the area and climate change, which will likely affect some of the unique characteristics of this productive ecosystem.

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