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Research Document 2018/057

Assessment of northern shrimp stocks in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2017: data from the research survey

By Bourdages, H., Marquis, M.C., Nozères, C. and Ouellette-Plante, J.


The Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) stock status is determined every year by examining a main indicator from the commercial fishery and the research survey. This document presents the data and methods that were used to produce the 2017 survey indicators. The estimates of northern shrimp biomass and abundance are presented for each of the four fishing areas and for each sex. In addition, this document describes how some of the environmental and ecosystem characteristics of the Gulf of St. Lawrence potentially impact the northern shrimp stock dynamic through their effects on such factors as spatial distribution, growth, reproduction and trophic relationships.

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