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Research Document 2018/066

St. Anns Bank Framework Assessment

By Choi, J.S., Vanderlaan, A.S.M., Lazin, G., McMahon, M., Zisserson, B., Cameron, B., and Munden, J. 2018


This analysis is intended to begin the dialogue required to develop a framework for monitoring and assessing spatially managed areas such as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). In particular, we begin with the Oceans Act requirement to describe productivity, biodiversity, habitat and species of interest by identifying pragmatic metrics of these ecosystem-level attributes from pre-existing monitoring systems in the area of interest: St. Anns Bank in the Maritimes Region of Canada. We also identify a few human influences/pressures that are also readily quantified, namely fishing and vessel activity and some of the data gaps that are evident in the area. The nature of these data, and the steps required to use them properly, are made explicit in an open-sourced and revision-controlled environment (R and git) for the purpose of developing a transparent, vetted data and code system from which future assessment and modeling attempts can be staged. This should reduce the replication of effort in future. The rationale for the methods chosen to quantify the characteristic space and time scales of processes and features are identified and discussed. Ultimately, the intent is to develop approaches similar to the risk-based approach frequently encountered in fishery stock assessments, such that we can begin to express the “status” of an area or MPA. It is perhaps even possible to attempt to define reference points and obtain a better sense of the “health” of these areas, or at least assess the relative influence of area-based management closures. This first report will focus only upon the “Data” side of the issues and clarify the proposed “Methods”.

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