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Research Document 2020/028

2019 Southwest Nova Scotia/Bay of Fundy Atlantic Herring Framework: Data Inputs

By Singh, R., Knox, D. and MacIntyre, A.


In 2019/2020, the Maritimes Region of Fisheries and Oceans Canada will be undertaking a framework assessment of the Southwest Nova Scotia/ Bay of Fundy (SWNS/BoF) spawning component of 4VWX Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus). Such assessments are intended to be a comprehensive review of the biology, stock structure, the fishery, abundance indices, current assessment methodology and approaches for determining acceptable harvest limits. The framework assessment, Part 1, Data and Inputs, was held February 5–6, 2019. This document explores a variety of data sources available for SWNS/BoF Herring, including tagging projects, commercial fishery information, acoustic surveys, and groundfish research vessel surveys. The current understanding of stock structure, spatial and temporal patterns in fishery distribution, bycatch, biological attributes (length and weight at age, condition factor, growth, and maturity), and updates to data inputs for stock assessment (fishery catch-at-age, acoustic survey index of abundance, and total mortality estimated from acoustic data) are also described here. Any persistent data gaps are identified. Finally, a preliminary review of ecosystem indicators and accompanying data considered relevant to the SWNS/BoF spawning component are summarized.

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