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Research Document 2021/033

Information in support of a recovery potential assessment of Lake Sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens (Western Hudson Bay, Saskatchewan-Nelson River, and Great Lakes-Upper St. Lawrence populations)

By Lacho, C.D., Burnett, D.C., Hrenchuk, C.L., Nelson, P.A., Parker, C.M., and Barth, C.C.


The Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) is a large cartilaginous fish found exclusively in North America. In Canada, it is found as far west as the North Saskatchewan River in Alberta, east to the St. Lawrence River estuary, north to the Churchill River, and south to rivers and lakes that border the United States. Like most sturgeon species, Lake Sturgeon populations were affected by historical overharvesting, and habitat loss and alteration. In most areas of its range, Lake Sturgeon populations exist at a fraction of their historical abundance.

The status of the Lake Sturgeon in Canada was assessed by COSEWIC in 2017. Lake Sturgeon populations were divided into four DUs primarily following previously identified Canadian freshwater fish biogeographic zones: Western Hudson Bay (DU1), Saskatchewan-Nelson River (DU2), Southern Hudson Bay-James Bay (DU3), and Great Lakes-Upper St. Lawrence (DU4). The Lake Sturgeon population in DU1 was classified as Endangered because the distribution and abundance of mature individuals had declined significantly. Similarly, Lake Sturgeon in DU2 were classified as Endangered as harvesting and dams have caused historical declines and populations were still not considered secure. Populations in DU3 were classified as Special Concern as populations mainly exist in pristine rivers, although some are impacted by harvesting and dams. Populations in DU4 were classified as Threatened as populations have been impacted by dam construction and historical overharvesting; some populations seem to have not been greatly impacted and others are recovering, but are not yet secure.

A Recovery Potential Assessment (RPA) is developed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to provide information and scientific advice needed to fulfill requirements of the Species at Risk Act (SARA), including informing both scientific and socioeconomic elements of the listing decision and permitting activities that would otherwise violate SARA prohibitions, and the development of recovery strategies. This Research Document describes the current state of knowledge of the biology, ecology, distribution, population trends, habitat requirements, and threats to Lake Sturgeon populations in DU1, DU2, and DU4. The information contained in this document may be used to inform the development of recovery documents and for assessing permits, agreements and related conditions, as per sections 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, and 83(4) of the SARA, as well as, to prepare for the reporting requirements of SARA section 55. The scientific information for the RPA also serves as advice to the DFO Minister regarding the listing of the species under the SARA. This assessment updates and consolidates the available scientific data pertaining to the recovery potential of Lake Sturgeon (DU1, DU2, and DU4) in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec.

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