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Research Document 2021/071

The Status of Iceland Scallop (Chlamys Islandica) in the Canada-France Transboundary Zone (Core area) of St. Pierre Bank in 2017

By Coughlan, E., Hynick, E., and Skanes, K.


Populations of Iceland Scallop (Chlamys islandica) off Newfoundland and Labrador are typically found in waters from 50 to 200 m, usually on hard bottom with variable substrate composition, consisting largely of sand, gravel, shell fragments, and stones. The directed fishery for Iceland Scallop started on St. Pierre Bank in 1989 and peaked at 6,000 t in 1992. Prior to 1996 the entire catch was taken by Canada. A decision by an International Court of Arbitration in 1992 resulted in jurisdictional changes over the disputed waters south of Newfoundland and St. Pierre and Miquelon. Following that decision, an annual total allowable catch (TAC) level has been established for an area called the “Transboundary Zone” or simply the “CORE”. Joint TACs have been in place for the CORE since 1995. France and Canada are allocated a fixed percentage of the TAC: 70% and 30%, respectively. A Canadian research survey in September 2017 resulted in a minimum dredgeable biomass estimate of 1,200 t which is among the lowest in the survey time series, and a decrease of approximately 60% since 2009. The mean shell height was found to be consistently higher in Canadian waters than in French waters and an average meat count of 85 scallop/500 g from the 2017 survey was the highest in the survey time series. Predatory sea stars were observed at the lowest level in the survey time series and the annual natural mortality estimate was also the lowest in the survey time series.

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