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Research Document 2022/036

Potential ecological monitoring indicators and strategies for the Anguniaqvia niqiqyuam Marine Protected Area and a synopsis of available information

By Ehrman, A, Loseto, L., Pućko, M., Melling, H., Michel, C., Reist, J., McNicholl, D., and Dunmall, K.


In 2016, the Anguniaqvia niqiqyuam Marine Protected Area (ANMPA) became the second marine protected area designated in Canada’s Arctic under the Oceans Act. The ANMPA encompasses marine habitat on the western shores of Darnley Bay near the community of Paulatuk, NT, in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. Ecological indicators to evaluate the status of the conservation objectives were selected by an expert panel, guided by the latest scientific knowledge for the area, and community priorities provided by the ANMPA Working Group. A three-tiered indicator concept was developed to ensure sufficient data are collected to link potential changes in valued upper-trophic level animals and their habitats to the drivers of change: (a) five indicators are recommended to provide background environmental context required to interpret change in biological indicators, (b) 11 indicators are recommended to monitor biological and food web integrity directly linked to the conservation objectives, and (c) two indicators are recommended to monitor current pressures and threats to the biological system, acknowledging that re-evaluation will be necessary on a regular basis. Information currently available to support each indicator is summarized, and key monitoring strategies and measurement parameters are proposed. Appendix C provides a summary table of recommended measurement parameters and considerations. In some cases, accessing data/information collected at a spatial scale larger than the ANMPA will be vital to increase the reach and contextual value of monitoring data. Most of the indicators can be monitored by community-based monitoring programs, a combination of inshore and offshore sampling, remote sensing, and/or partnering with established research and harvest monitoring programs to optimize the efficiency of data collection. In some cases, follow-on analyses of existing samples and data are required to establish baseline conditions. The information provided herein is an update to science advice previously provided by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and is intended to support the development of an ecological monitoring plan for the ANMPA through the ANMPA Working Group, Western Arctic MPA Steering Committee, and other relevant partner forums.

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