Science Advisory Report 2009/001
Assessment of shrimp stocks in the Estuary and Gulf of
St. Lawrence in 2008
- Landings totalled nearly 36,000 t in 2008 and were similar to those of 2007. Most of the stock abundance indicators for 2008 were close to or higher than the mean for the 1990-2005 period but several showed a decrease relative to 2007.
- Commercial fishery catch rates were similar to those in 2007 while survey biomass indices decreased in Estuary and Anticosti. Male and female abundance indices were also similar to 2007 except for males in Estuary and females in Anticosti and Esquiman, where they were lower. Female sizes increased slightly in all areas except Esquiman where they decreased.
- The fishing effort remained similar or decreased slightly relative to the mean in all areas. The exploitation rate index increased and was similar to the mean in all areas except Anticosti where the index was higher.
- The spawning stock recruitment index remained higher than the mean in 2008 except for Estuary where it was similar to the mean. The multiparous females which will hatch larvae in 2009 should continue to be abundant. However, a proportion of the 2004 year-class which appears to be very abundant, especially in the eastern Gulf, has already changed sex in 2008 and produced small females. The 2006 year-class appears to be abundant in the four areas.
- In the context of developing of a precautionary approach, provisional reference points were established to delimit the adequate critical, cautious and healthy zones for each stock. The status of the stocks observed in 2008 and predicted for 2009 is determined from the combined indicators for the commercial fishery and the research survey and subsequently compared to the reference points.
- The stocks have been in the healthy zone since 2003 and this situation is predicted to continue for 2009. Catches similar to those of 2008 should generate exploitation rates in 2009 that are close to the mean value observed since the stocks are in the healthy zone. Consequently, status quo is recommended for the 2009 TACs in all fishing areas.
- However, the stock status indices for Estuary, Anticosti and Esquiman point to a decrease even if they remain in the healthy zone. It is thus important that exploitation rates do not increase significantly in order to help maintain these stocks in the healthy zone
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