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Science Advisory Report 2021/004

Science Advice for Precautionary Approach Harvest Strategies under the Fish Stocks Provisions


“Major fish stocks” in the context of the “limit reference point”

“The level necessary to promote sustainability of the stock”

“…Taking into account the biology of the fish and environmental conditions affecting the stock”

Status relative to “the limit reference point”

“Minimizing further decline of the fish stock”

“If… the loss or degradation of the stock’s fish habitat has contributed to the stock’s decline”

Implementation Needs for Science

Roles and Responsibilities of the Science Sector

This Science Advisory Report is from the May 26-27 and June 22-23, 2020 national advisory meeting on Science Advice For Precautionary Approach Harvest Strategies under the Fish Stocks Provisions. Additional publications from this meeting will be posted on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science Advisory Schedule as they become available.

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