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Stock Status Report 2003/015

Scallops in Quebec inshore waters in 2002


All areas

Scallops generally spawn in late summer, and the juveniles settle on the seabed in the fall. Meat weight yield varies over the reproductive cycle and is lowest during the spawning season. Subsequently, during the settling period, the juveniles are very sensitive to any disturbance of the sediment by fishing gear. For these reasons, it is recommended that scallop beds not be dragged from August to November.

In 2002, Quebec scallop landings totalled 143.3 t of meat, down 33 % from 2001; 69 % of the landings came from the North Shore, 20 % from the Gaspé and 11 % from the Magdalen Islands.

Magdalen Islands


Île Rouge (Areas 16A1 and 17A1)

North Shore

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