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Science Response 2009/012

Review of Atlantic Towing Limited’s Monitoring Plan for the ‘Shovelmaster’ Barge


DFO Maritimes Science was asked by the Oceans, Habitat and Species at Risk Branch (OHSAR) to review Atlantic Towing Ltd.’s plan to monitor the risk and consequences of oil release from the ‘Shovelmaster’ barge (Atlantic Towing Ltd. 2009), which sank off Southwest Nova Scotia on 22 November 2008. Specifically, DFO Science was asked to determine:

A response was requested as soon as possible, given that the possible release of diesel fuel was a Regional Environmental Emergencies Team (REET) issue and DFO Science input into the proposed monitoring plan was required. Given the short timeline to prepare a response, DFO Maritimes Science determined that a Special Science Response Process would be used.

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