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Science Response 2009/014

Use of the Lower Saint John River, New Brunswick, as Fish Habitat During the Spring Freshet


The Habitat Protection and Sustainable Development Division in the Maritimes Region has asked Maritimes Science 1) what fish species are present in the lower reaches of the Saint John River, New Brunswick, and its associated watersheds; and 2) do various life-history stages of the fish species present use flooded shoreline areas (i.e., the areas between the low water mark and the high water mark) spatially and temporally during the spring freshet and other periods of flooding?

The response to these questions will be used to assist the Conservation and Protection Branch of DFO to address concerns related to industrial and residential activities, including infilling, that may occur in these areas (i.e., between the low and high water marks of the lower Saint John River and its associated watersheds). This response may also be used to help address similar conservation concerns along other rivers in the Maritimes Region. It was determined that a Science Response would be an appropriate format to address this question.

A related Science Response was produced in 2007 to address concerns about residential infilling that occurred at one location in Belleisle Bay, which is within the lower reaches of the Saint John River (DFO 2007). The current Science Response is intended to expand upon the previous advice and enable its application to a broader area.

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