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Science Response 2010/008

Review of the Southern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment


DFO Science was called upon by the Oceans, Habitat, and Species at Risk (OHSAR) Branch to review the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board’s (CNLOPB’s) “Southern Newfoundland Strategic Environmental Assessment” (SNL SEA). Previous to this, a Scoping Document for the SNL SEA was prepared by CNLOPB with the assistance of a working group consisting of members from federal and provincial government agencies, local Regional Economic Development Boards, the fishing industry, and non-governmental organizations to provide an outline of factors to be considered in the SEA, the scope of those factors, and guidelines for the preparation of the SEA report, and provides a framework for which a review can be carried out. The SNL SEA was drafted by LGL Limited and released for public review on August 20, 2009, with a response deadline of September 29, 2009.  Given that DFO is not the final advisory body for this request (through the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) process), the short timeline to carry out a review, and since reviews of previous CNLOPB SEA reports in the Region have been provided by DFO Science in the past, it was determined that the Special Science Response Process (SSRP) should be used. 

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