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Science Response 2010/013

Science Review of a Benthic Invertebrate Community Baseline Survey Report for Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia


In June, 2010, the Environmental Assessment and Major Projects (EAMP) division of the Oceans, Habitat, and Species at Risk Branch in the Maritimes Region requested that DFO Maritimes Science undertake a review of a document entitled “Marine Benthic Invertebrate Community Baseline Survey, 2009.”  EAMP requested DFO Science advice on the document related to the following issue:

  1. Is the design of the benthic invertebrate survey likely to be effective in determining any potential environment effects from the Sydney Tar Ponds and Coke Ovens Sites Remediation Project?

This information may be used to refine the benthic invertebrate survey to ensure environmental protection objectives are met. It was requested that a response be provided within a few weeks. Given the short timeframe for review, DFO’s Science Special Response Process was used.

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