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Science Response 2012/022

Review of a Fucoid Seaweed Harvest Proposal in Kangirsuk, Nunavik, Quebec


In August, 2011, the Aboriginal Fisheries Division of Resource Management and Aboriginal Affairs in the Quebec Region requested that DFO Maritimes Science undertake a review of a document entitled “Management Plan and Data Bases for Harvest of Fucoid Seaweed Species in the area of Kangirsuk, Nunavik, Quebec” hereafter referred to as the Management Plan. DFO Science advice was requested on the sustainability of the operation, in order to inform the issuance of potential commercial licenses. Specifically, DFO Science was asked to evaluate:

It was requested that a response be provided by December, 2011. Given the short timeframe for review, DFO’s Science Special Response Process was used.

Overall, the methods and data provided in the management plan are on par with similar fucoid based harvests in Canada. The approach taken for the development of this new harvesting project is precautionary and provides some buffer for the lack of knowledge on certain aspects. It should allow for a well-managed Fucus fishery.

This Science Response report results from the Science Special Response Process of January 2012 on the Review of a Fucoid Seaweed Harvest Proposal in Kangirsuk, Nunavik, Quebec. 

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