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Science Response 2012/043

Update of indicators of the status of the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence (3Pn, 4RS) cod stock in 2012


The assessment of cod (Gadus morhua) in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence (3Pn, 4RS) (Figure 1) is conducted every two years, with the most recent assessment completed in February 2012. In interim years, a summary review of the resource's main indicators is conducted in order to determine whether major changes in the stock status would warrant more in-depth study prior to the planned assessment in winter 2014. This report was prepared in order to update Fisheries Management with recent information concerning the stock status following 1500 t of commercial fishing in 2012 and unknown recreational fishery landings.

A conservation limit reference point (LRP) was established for the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod (Duplisea and Fréchet 2011). This reference point defines the boundary between the critical and cautious zones within the Precautionary Approach framework and it defines the stock level below which the stock has suffered serious harm. According to the most recent assessment (February 2012), the stock was well below the LRP of 116 000 t. For the last 22 years the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod stock has been in the critical zone. Catches over the past few years have not allowed the stock to grow. The most recent stock status report indicated that in keeping with the precautionary approach, catches in 2012 and 2013 should be as small as possible. It was recommended to close the commercial and recreational cod-directed fisheries and to implement measures to prevent any increase in bycatches (DFO 2012).

This Science Response from the DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat summarizes the findings of a Science Special Response Process that took place December 17, 2012, at the Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Mont-Joli, Qc.

The stock status for the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod was updated based on relevant information collected over the course of 2012. Those attending the meeting reviewed: (1) landings; (2) information from the DFO research survey (1990-2012)  (relative abundance and biomass indices); (3) information from the mobile trawl research survey carried out as part of the Sentinel Fisheries Program (1995-2012); and (4) information from the fixed gear Sentinel Fisheries Program (longline and gillnet indices).

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