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Science Response 2013/002

Review of the Sisson Project Baseline Aquatic Environment Technical Report


Fisheries and Oceans Canada's (DFO) Habitat Management Division, Maritimes Region, is reviewing a Baseline Aquatic Environment Technical Report as background information for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the Sisson Mine Project to determine if the project is likely to result in negative impacts to fish and fish habitat. The project consists of a conventional open pit tungsten and molybdenum mine, an ore processing plant, and associated facilities and infrastructure located approximately 10 km southwest of the community of Napadogan, New Brunswick.

The specific questions from Habitat Management to DFO Science were:

As Habitat Management routinely addresses many aspects of the questions identified for this review and given the relatively quick turnaround for this review, DFO Science sector is focusing this review on non-routine aspects of these questions where credible, timely advice can be provided.  In addition, as aspects of this technical report pertain to the mandate of other federal government departments already engaged in the review process, this review focuses on questions relevant to DFO’s mandate. 

This Science Response report is from the regional Science Special Response Process (SSRP) of July 2012 on the Review of a Baseline Aquatic Environment Technical Report of the Sisson Mine Project. DFO’s SSRP was used to review the technical report and provide input due to the short deadline for advice and the fact that the advice will contribute to a broader Canadian Environmental Assessment Act process. 

As the Baseline Aquatic Environment Technical Report is being prepared as background information for a forthcoming EIA, the DFO Science review of this report is likely the first part of the ongoing review process and additional SSRPs may be completed when the proposed EIA is finalized. 

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