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Science Response 2013/007

Examination of monitoring protocol to establish baseline conditions for primary productivity in the marine and estuarine environment of the Romaine River


In accordance with its undertakings and the conditions listed in the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) authorization, Hydro-Québec has developed an environmental monitoring program (January 2010) to assess the impact of hydroelectric facilities on the Romaine River. In 2013, the biological and physical oceanography monitoring program comprises physical characterization of the river mouth area in relation to different biological components. An assessment of the baseline conditions of plankton production in the river mouth area of the Romaine River will be carried out.

The Fish Habitat Management Branch (FHMB) undertook an analysis of the detailed monitoring protocol for this component suggested by the proponent. On February 15, 2013, FHMB sought out collaboration from scientists of the Regional Science Branch to issue an advisory report on the monitoring protocol for the marine and estuarine environment of the Romaine River on the North Coast of Quebec. In light of the restricted time frame (deadline is February 22, 2013), a Science Special Response Process (SSRP) was initiated to provide a scientific advisory report to FHMB.

This Science Response Report results from the Science Special Response Process of February 22, 2013 on the Monitoring protocol to assess primary productivity baseline conditions in the Romaine River marine and estuarine environment.

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