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Science Response 2013/021

Review of Strategic Environmental Assessment Reports for the Misaine Bank and Banqereau Bank, and Banqereau Slope, Regions of the Scotian Shelf


In January 2013, the Ecosystem Management Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) in the Maritimes Region requested that DFO Maritimes Science undertake a review of two Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (CNSOPB) draft Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) reports: one for the Misaine Bank and Banqereau Bank region, and one for the Banqereau Slope region of the Scotian Shelf (Stantec 2012a, Stantec 2012b). Ecosystem Management requested DFO Science advice on the reports related to the following question:

This information will be provided to the CNSOPB in order to inform their review of the draft SEA reports (all DFO comments on the SEA reports, and the CNSOPB’s response to DFO’s comments, will be posted to the CNSOPB public registry – see: CNSOPB Environmental Assessments). The SEA reports will be used by the CNSOPB to make decisions regarding the Call for Bids and, similarly, to inform potential bidders of the environmental context of the various proposed offshore petroleum parcels. It was requested that a response be provided by DFO Science on March 1, 2013. Given the short timeframe for review, DFO’s Science Special Response Process (SSRP) was used.

This Science Response Report results from the Science Special Response Process of March 4, 2013, on the Review of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Reports for Misaine Bank and Banqereau Bank, and Banqereau Slope, Regions of the Scotian Shelf.

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