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Science Response 2013/024

Science review of the final environmental impact statement addendum for the early revenue phase of Baffinland’s Mary River Project


The Mary River Project is a proposed iron ore mine located at Mary River on North Baffin Island in Nunavut. Planned Project operations include mining, crushing, screening, rail transport and marine shipping of high grade iron ore. The scope of the Project was to produce and ship 18 million tonnes (Mt/a) of high-grade iron ore per annum. Two port facilities would be constructed on Baffin Island, in Milne (Figure 1) and Steensby inlets. The plan, as outlined in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, was for the Milne Inlet Port to be used mainly during the construction phase of the Project with some ore being shipped during the open-water season. Later the Project was revised such that road haulage and shipping of ore from the Mine Site through the Milne Port was not included in the Final Environmental Impact Statement. At the request of the DFO Habitat Management ProgramFootnote 1 , DFO Science conducted technical reviews of the marine component of both the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DFO 2012a) and the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) (DFO 2012b), particularly as it related to marine mammals and shipping.

The Project Certificate was issued by the Nunavut Impact Review Board to Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation (BIM) in December 2012 authorizing the Mary River Project to proceed to the regulatory phase to obtain the necessary permits and licences. However due to various business drivers associated with the Project, BIM decided to take a phased-in approach beginning with a smaller, less-costly option which they have called the Early Revenue Phase (ERP). The ERP would include development of a nominal 3.5 Mt/a road haulage operation from Mary River to a small port facility at Milne Inlet for shipping of iron ore during the open water season (July 15 to October 15).

In late June 2013, BIM submitted their Addendum to the FEIS for the ERP (BIM 2013) to the Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) which describes the activities associated with the ERP and provides an updated effects assessment. Following their internal conformity review, the Board commenced a 60-day public technical review period on August 15, 2013. DFO Science conducted a technical review of the marine component of the FEIS Addendum for the ERP, particularly as it relates to marine mammals and shipping, at the request of the DFO Fisheries Protection Program. Appendix 1 identifies Project Terms and Conditions for the FEIS that apply to or need to be modified for the ERP.

This report results from the Science Response Process of September 19, 2013 on the Science Review of the Addendum to the Final Environmental Impact Statement for Baffinland's Mary River Project.

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