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Science Response 2015/032

Update of Indicators of the Status of the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (Divisions 4RST) Capelin Stock in 2014


Capelin in the Gulf of St. Lawrence is managed as a single stock with two distinct management units, NAFO Divisions 4R and 4ST (Figure 1). A Total Allowable Catch (TAC) of 14,300 t was in effect for the entire stock in 2013 and 2014, an increase of 10% compared with the 2012 TAC. This TAC is divided as follows: 12,315 t for Division 4R and 1,985 t for all of Divisions 4ST. There is no abundance survey specifically directed on capelin. It is therefore impossible to calculate spawning biomass, fishing mortality and reference points, which would help define, based on the precautionary approach, a decisional framework for the fishery and a TAC.

The assessment of capelin (Mallotus villosus) in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (NAFO Divisions 4RST) is conducted every two years, and the results are used in the development of an Integrated Fishery Management Plan (IFMP). The last assessment of this stock was conducted in February 2013. A regular assessment was planned for 2015, but had to be postponed. In order to provide information for managing these stocks, it has been suggested that an update of the main indicators of this resource be done to determine if major changes in stock status have occurred.

This Science Response is the result of the May 15, 2015 Science Response Process on the Update of the Divisions 4RST capelin stock status.

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