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Science Response 2016/036

4VWX Herring 2016 Update Report


Maritimes DFO Resource Management has requested that DFO Science provide an update on the science advice for NAFO Divisions 4VWX Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus) management unit in support of the 2015/2016 fishery. The last assessment of 4VWX herring stock was conducted in March 2015 (DFO 2015). The biological and fishery information of the 4VWX herring stock forms the basis for establishing quota for the 2015/2016 fisheries, as required in the Integrated Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP). This Science Response reviews and updates biological and fishery information of the 4VWX herring stock including an evaluation of the southwest Nova Scotia/Bay of Fundy (SWNS/BoF) spawning component, a compilation and review of information regarding the offshore Scotian Shelf spawning component and the coastal Nova Scotia (NS) spawning component, an update on southwest New Brunswick (SWNB) migrant juvenile fishery component, and an evaluation of the status of the fishery with respect to the conservation Limit Reference Point (LRP). This Response also reviews whether the goals of the rebuilding plan are being met.

This Science Response Report results from the Science Response Process April 8, 2016, on the Stock Status Update of Herring in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Fishing Area 4VWX.

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