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Science Response 2016/038

Review of Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) input parameters and model results for the Meadowbank Gold Mine Project


The Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd, Meadowbank Gold Mine is an open pit gold mine in the Kivalliq district of Nunavut, Canada, located 110 km north of Baker Lake. The mine property includes Goose, Portage and Vault deposits. Initial production began in 2010 from the Portage open pit and the mine life is estimated to extend from 2010–2018.

Under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and Nunavut Project Planning and Assessment Act, Project Certificates issued by the Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) for mining projects in Nunavut must, upon closure and reclamation of the project, compensate or offset appropriately for the loss of fish and fish habitat.

To evaluate habitat losses and gains for the Meadowbank open-pit gold mine project and other mining projects in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories, Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd (AEM) in collaboration with Golder Associates Ltd, adapted a Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) model

As part of the Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) review and authorization, the Fisheries Protection Program (FPP) has requested Science to peer review the adapted HEP model input parameters and results for the Meadowbank No-Net-Loss and Fish Habitat Offsetting Plan. FPP asked if the Proponents’ model input parameters are scientifically valid and a defensible approach to calculating loss and gain for projects. Science was also asked to calculate the appropriate offset ratio for any lost productivity due to the timing of losses and delayed offsets.

The request was submitted to Science in early February 2016 with advice requested by May 2016 as the Proponent has requested a Fisheries Act Authorization in June 2016. This Science Response results from the Science Response Process of April 2016 for the Review of Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) input parameters and model results for the Meadowbank Gold Mine Project.

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