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Science Response 2018/051

Guidance on the Review of Biophysical and Ecological Components Towards a Research and Monitoring Program of the Labrador Sea


The Government of Canada has committed to protecting 10% of Canada’s marine and coastal areas by 2020 as part of its commitment to achieve international (the Convention on Biological Diversity 2011‑20 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity’s Aichi Targets) and domestic (2020 Biodiversity Goals and Targets for Canada) biodiversity conservation goals and targets. Accordingly, a Five Point Action Plan (Fisheries and Oceans Canada [DFO] 2016) has been implemented that includes Oceans Act Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in large offshore ocean areas as options towards meeting Canada’s marine conservation targets.

An offshore portion of the Labrador Sea is being investigated as a potential candidate large offshore ocean area. This Study Area extends from water depths of 2,000 m (beyond the continental shelf and slope) to the Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and sits within Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Divisions 2G and 2H. With nominal resource development, it is considered a Frontier Area (DFO 2009). The scientific knowledge regarding this area’s ecosystem is limited, particularly for biological components, as the depths extend well beyond the range typically monitored by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and NAFO during stock assessment surveys. Consequently, targeted research is required to support the biophysical and ecological characterization of this Study Area.

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