Science Response 2019/004
2018 Atlantic Salmon In-Season Review for the Newfoundland and Labrador Region
Declines in total Atlantic Salmon returns of >30% on more than half of monitored rivers in 2016 and 2017 warranted a full stock assessment of Atlantic Salmon in the Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Region, which took place from February 28-March 1, 2018 (Fisheries and Oceans Canada [DFO] 2018).

Figure 1: Maps showing the locations of rivers in SFAs 1–14B where Atlantic Salmon populations were monitored in 2018.
Following the assessment in March 2018, Resource Management requested that DFO Science conduct an in-season review of the status of Atlantic Salmon in the NL Region. The objective was to determine whether the 2016 and 2017 declines were outliers in the observed annual variability of salmon returns, or evidence of a declining trend in the abundance of salmon stocks.
DFO Resource Management requested that DFO Science conduct an in-season review to provide advice on the following:
- Assess the status of the 2018 salmon stock by comparing the predicted total returns to river specific conservation targets.
- Compare total predicted returns to final returns in relation to the following reference points: 2013-17 (previous five-year average); 2011‑151 (see DFO 2018 for more information); and 2003-12 (2002-12 for Labrador), the 10‑year period prior to current generation.
- Determine how many rivers are predicted to meet or exceed the Limit Reference Point and the Upper Stock Reference Point.
- Based on the results of the in-season review provide advice on the sustainability of a 2018 recreational fishery by considering the following five harvest scenarios:
- Scenario 1: can the stock sustain additional human induced mortality?
- Scenario 2: can the stock sustain a catch-and-release fishery?
- Scenario 3: can the stock sustain an increase in harvest of one additional salmon?
- Scenario 4: can the stock sustain an increase in one additional salmon on Class 2 Rivers, two additional salmon on Class 4 rivers and three additional salmon on Class 6 rivers?
- Scenario 5: can the stock sustain removals of salmon consistent with 2016 removals (2 fish on Class 2, 4 fish on Class 4, 6 fish on Class 6)?
This Science Response Report results from the Science Response Process of July 10 and July 24, 2018 on the 2018 Atlantic Salmon In-Season Review for the Newfoundland and Labrador Region.
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