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Science Response 2019/006

Updated indices of abundance to 2018 for American Plaice and Yellowtail Flounder from NAFO Div. 4T


Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Ecosystems and Fisheries Management has instituted a multi-year management approach for American Plaice and Yellowtail Flounder stocks of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (sGSL; NAFO Div. 4T). The last full assessments of the American Plaice and Yellowtail Flounder stocks of the sGSL were completed in March 2016 with advice for the May 2016 to May 2021 fisheries period (DFO 2016b, 2016c). Following on the advice of DFO (2016a) and as identified in the respective science advisory reports for American Plaice (DFO 2016b) and Yellowtail Flounder (DFO 2016c), an update of indicators of stock status is to be provided at the end of the year 2018, mid-way in the five-year assessment and fisheries management cycle. In line with this advice this Science Response Report, resulting from the Science Response Process of December 13, 2018, provides an update of indices of abundance to 2018 for American Plaice and Yellowtail Flounder of the sGSL, assessed and managed by DFO Gulf Region. For both American Plaice and Yellowtail Flounder, the analysis of the indicator relative to an identified trigger value is presented to determine if a full stock re-assessment may be warranted earlier than March 2021, the next scheduled assessments of their five-year stock assessment cycle for these two species.

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