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Science Response 2019/026

Preliminary Review of Science Data to Inform Potential Interim 2019 Atlantic Salmon Management Approach


Total returns of Atlantic Salmon in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) declined by >30% on more than half of monitored rivers in 2016 and 2017 in comparison to the previous generation (DFO 2017, DFO 2018). Consecutive declines of this magnitude are unusual for salmon stocks in NL and have not been observed since the moratorium on the commercial Atlantic Salmon fishery in 1992. These declines triggered full stock assessments for the 2016 and 2017 salmon returns (DFO 2017, DFO 2018).

Following the assessment for the 2017 returns, the 2018 recreational Atlantic Salmon fishery opened with a reduction in seasonal harvest limits from two, four, or six fish (consistent with the River Classification System; Veinott et al. 2013) to one fish retention on all rivers that permit retention, and a reduction in the catch and release limit from four to three fish. This represented a significant reduction compared to historical retention limits. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Fisheries Management requested that Science conduct an in season review during the 2018 fishing season to provide an update on stock status. Final returns of adult salmon in 2018 were predicted based on the relationship between counts up to a given date (July 15th in Newfoundland and July 22nd in Labrador) and final returns over the previous three generations. Average harvest estimates (2012-16) were removed from predicted returns to assess the number of rivers expected to meet or exceed the Limit Reference Point and the Upper Stock Reference Point. Based on the results of the in-season review, Science recommended a precautionary management approach whereby all rivers would close to retention angling and continue as catch and release only for the remainder of the season. Science also recommended implementation of strict environmental protocols involving river closures when water temperatures exceeded 18C (DFO 2019).

Throughout November 2018, DFO Fisheries Management held six public meetings across NL to discuss Atlantic Salmon management for the upcoming 2019 season and hosted an annual Salmonid Inland Compliance and Resource Management Workshop. During these meetings, the majority of anglers and stakeholders recommended that the Department’s management approach for the 2019 Atlantic Salmon angling season in NL should be announced earlier than previous years.

The biennial Regional Peer Review Meeting for the Assessment of Atlantic Salmon is not scheduled until March 5-7, 2019, which is the earliest date that allows Science to have the necessary data (e.g., 2018 returns and fisheries data) required to conduct a full stock assessment. Therefore, Fisheries Management requested a preliminary data review to inform a potential interim 2019 Atlantic Salmon Management Approach in NL, and to provide advice on the following question: can salmon stocks sustain a one fish retention on all rivers that permit retention, and an additional one fish retention (for a total of two) on Class 4 and 6 rivers? 

This Science Response Report results from the Regional Science Response Process of February 1, 2019 on the Preliminary data review to inform potential interim 2019 Atlantic Salmon Management Approach in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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