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Science Response 2020/030

Assessment of nearshore features in the Northern Shelf Bioregion against criteria for determining Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs)


The identification of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs) is a step towards meeting Canada’s commitments under the Oceans Act (Government of Canada 1997) which provides the legislative framework for an integrated ecosystem approach to management in Canada’s oceans. EBSA identification is also a commitment by Canada as a signatory on the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD). Canada was one of the first CBD signatory countries to develop criteria and guidance for identifying EBSAs (DFO 2004, 2011a), and has also endorsed the scientific criteria used by the CBD for identifying EBSAsFootnote 1 (CBD 2008). DFO's science advice recommends identifying EBSAs as a first step to planning networks of marine protected areas (DFO 2010), in accordance with the CBD (2008). This approach was re-emphasized in Canada's National Framework for Canada's Network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) (Government of Canada 2011). EBSA identification is an important input into the ongoing MPA network planning process in the Northern Shelf Bioregion (NSB) following guidance outlined in the Canada-British Columbia (BC) MPA Network Strategy (2014). The integration of EBSAs into the network is a key strategy and this work will provide the Marine Protected Area Network Technical Team (MPATT)Footnote 2 guidance for the ongoing MPA network planning process in the NSB.

Areas identified as EBSAs do not automatically trigger new management measures. However, EBSAs are considered special natural areas and are afforded an increased measure of risk aversion in marine spatial management of human activities (DFO 2004, 2011a). The need for management, and the type of management action required to conserve or protect an EBSA, is determined by the ecological characteristics of the EBSA, including why it was designated as an EBSA, the type and extent of human activities occurring in or adjacent to it, and how the ecological components and the stressors associated with the human activity interact.

This Science Response results from the Science Response Process of June 14, 2017 on the Assessment of nearshore features against criteria for determining Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs) in the Northern Shelf Bioregion.

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