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Science Response 2020/032

2019 Maritimes Winter Research Vessel Survey Trends on Georges Bank


Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has conducted winter Research Vessel (RV) surveys in the Maritimes Region, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Area 5Z (Georges Bank) using a standardized protocol since 1987. Results from these surveys provide information on trends in abundance for groundfish species in the Maritimes. While these data reflect trends in biomass and abundance and are a critical part of science-based stock assessments, a full assessment, including other sources of data, would be required to evaluate the impacts of management measures on population status.

The 2019 Winter RV Survey was conducted on the CCGS Alfred Needler. Fisheries Management (FM) requested a review of the DFO Winter RV Survey information on the following species in Strata 5Z1–5Z4: Cod, Haddock, Pollock, Yellowtail Flounder, Smooth Skate, Thorny Skate, Barndoor Skate, Winter Skate, Little Skate, Longhorn Sculpin, and Ocean Pout. The survey information will be used by FM as background for discussions with various industry stakeholders on recommendations for management measures, and to determine which stocks should be reviewed in more detail in 2020.

This Science Response Report results from the Science Response Process of May 31, 2019, on the Maritimes Research Vessel Survey Trends on Georges Bank.

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