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Science Response 2020/038

Update of sea cucumber stock status indicators for Areas B and C in the Gaspé Peninsula in 2019


The stock assessment of sea cucumber in Quebec's coastal waters is carried out every three years, with some exceptions, in order to determine whether changes that have occurred in the stock status require adjustments to the conservation approach and the management plan. The last assessment was done in 2016. The stock assessment scheduled for March 25, 2020 had to be postponed to a later date (to be determined) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following the 2019 fishing season and at the request of Fisheries Management, the sea cucumber fishery indicators, i.e. landings, fishing effort and catch per unit of effort (CPUE), were updated for Areas B and C on the Gaspé Peninsula's north shore. The purpose of this exercise is to provide an overview of changes in the status of sea cucumber stocks and, where applicable, to recommend adjustments to the fishing plan, according to the guidelines of the Conservation harvesting plan.

In the latest Science Advisory Report (DFO 2017), it is stated that "During the interim years, adjusting the fishing effort (Area 3) or the TAC (Areas B and C) only when there is a significant decline in CPUE is recommended. A decrease in CPUE of 20% or more in relation to the average or reference value of the area (Area 3: 2009–2015, Area B: 2016, and Area C: 2015–2016) should result in an equivalent decrease in the TAC in areas B and C or in the fishing effort in area 3. In the case of an increase in CPUE, no adjustment to the fishing effort or to the TAC would be made before the next assessment".

This Science Response Report results from the Science Response Process of May 22, 2020 on the Update of sea cucumber stock status indicators for Units B and C in the Gaspé Peninsula in 2019.

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