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Terms of Reference

Science Advisory Process on Assessment Framework for SW Nova Scotia / Bay of Fundy Herring

Meeting I: 31 Oct. – 1 Nov. 2006
Hache Conference Centre
Biological Station
St. Andrew’s, N.B.

Meeting II: 9-11 January 2007
NAFO Headquarters
2 Morris Drive, Suite 100
Dartmouth, N.S.


The current management plan for the 4VWX herring stock complex pursues three conservation objectives:

  1. To maintain the reproductive capacity of herring in each management unit through:
    • persistence of all spawning components in the management unit
    • maintenance of biomass of each spawning component above a minimum threshold
    • maintenance of a broad age composition for each spawning component
    • maintenance of a long spawning period for each spawning component
  2. To prevent growth overfishing
    • continue to strive for fishing mortality at or below F0.1
  3. To maintain ecosystem integrity/ ecological relationships (“ecosystem balance”)
    • maintain spatial and temporal diversity of spawning
    • maintain herring biomass at moderate to high levels

If during the current review, biological processes become apparent for which additional objectives might be required, these would be proposed to the Scotia-Fundy Herring Advisory Committee for approval.

The 2005 and 2006 assessments of the status of the SW Nova Scotia / Bay of Fundy Management Unit (SWNS/BoF) of the 4VWX stock complex highlighted the need for an in-depth review of the data and models used to assess progress against these objectives. For instance, the population model (VPA) and acoustic surveys estimates of current biomass differ substantially, which has focused attention on whether or not the acoustic survey biomass estimates should be considered absolute or relative as well as the veracity of the VPA.

This review is to be conducted over three sequential meetings scheduled to ensure that modifications identified in a meeting can be incorporated into the preparations and deliberations of the following meeting. The first meeting (31 October – 1 November 2006) will review the stock structure and fishery data inputs. The second meeting (9 – 11 January 2007) will review indices of abundance, including the acoustic survey. The third meeting (26 February – 2 March 2007) will review the models used to determine stock status, productivity, and harvest implications of various management options. The third meeting will also outline the assessment procedure to follow until the next framework review. The framework will be used for the first time in March/April 2007 in support of the 2006/07 fishery.

Throughout the review, recommendations will be made to improve the framework in the longer term. These will be recorded in the proceedings for later discussion and prioritization in a postframework joint DFO – industry herring research program planning meeting, anticipated to occur before 31 May 2007.


Definition of the Management Unit and Fishery Data Inputs (31 October – 1 November 2006)

Review of Indices of Abundance (9 – 11 January 2007)

Review of Models to Assess Status and Productivity (26 February – 2 March 2007)



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