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Terms of Reference

Science Advisory Process on Assessment and Management Strategy Framework for Banquereau Arctic Surfclam and Ocean Quahogs on Sable Bank and in St. Mary’s Bay

17 - 18 January 2007
Future Inns Dartmouth
20 Highfield Park Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia


4 - 5 April 2007
George Needler Boardroom
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
1 Challenger Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia


There has been a quota regulated fishery on Banquereau Bank Arctic surfclam since 1986, although there has not been an assessment framework developed and advice has been provided by Science to Fisheries and Aquaculture Management on an as-needed basis. A Total Allowable Catch (TAC) was established for Sable Bank ocean quahog in 2003, but this was not fished. There has been no fishery for St. Mary’s Bay ocean quahog. An Expert Opinion (EO) on the habitat implications of a Clearwater/Deep Sea Clam Ocean Quahog development proposal was produced (EO 2002/03) as was an Expert Opinion on the rationale for ocean quahog harvest advice (EO 2005/04).

Recently, in collaboration with DFO, the fishing industry initiated a survey program for the Banquereau Arctic surfclam and Sable Bank ocean quahog resources. On a five-year cycle, these banks, along with Grand Banks off Newfoundland are to be surveyed. Sable Bank was surveyed in 2003, and Banquereau Bank in 2004. Due to financial issues in 2005, no survey was conducted and the 2006 survey was conducted on the southern Grand Bank. The 2007 survey is tentatively planned for the northern Grand Bank. This initiative and signs of a potential increase in effort in the fishery is the stimulus for the current framework review.

This review will examine not only the methodology used to assess these resources but also undertake an evaluation of the management strategy. It is to be conducted over two meetings – the first (17 – 18 January 2007) to consider data inputs and the second (3 - 4 April 2007) to review the methodologies of the assessment and management strategy. The framework is intended to be applied in supporting the future management of these fisheries.


Data Inputs (17 - 18 January 2007)

Models for Assessment and Management Strategy Evaluation (4 - 5 April 2007)



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