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Terms of Reference

Scientific workshop on the development of conservation objectives for the estuary and the gulf of the St. Lawrence

February 27 to March 1, 2007
Maison de la congrégation
222 blvd Saint-Laurent
Montréal, Qc

Goals and context of the workshop:

Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Quebec, Gulf and Newfoundland-Labrador Regions are organizing a scientific workshop which fits within the context of the Gulf of St. Lawrence Integrated Management (GOSLIM) initiative. The goal of the workshop is to define ecosystem conservation objectives for the whole area covered by this initiative. This fits within the context of the synthesis and analysis work carried out by departmental scientists over the past 18 months to establish the actual scientific foundations of knowledge for this ecosystem. These foundations will later be taken into account during the development integrated management plans for the extended Large Ocean Management Area of the Estuary and the Gulf of St. Lawrence or for smaller units within this priority zone for oceans management.

Renowned scientists from universities or working within other federal and provincial laboratories will join Fisheries and Oceans Canada experts during this workshop. The participation of outside scientists will ensure expert contributions in areas complementary to those of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Representatives from various departmental programs will also be invited to participate in this workshop, which will enable them to understand the underlying methodology and scope of the conservation objectives that will be proposed.

Workshop Objectives

The workshop will notably allow:

Background papers:

Background papers for the workshop will consist on the results of the synthesis and analytical work carried out by scientists of Fisheries and Oceans Canada over the past 18 months, wihtin the context of OAP Phase I. These documents will include, among others:



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