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Other Publication

Review of the pathways of effects diagrams developed by DFO Habitat Management and related with water flow management

National Peer Review, National Capital Region

March 12-13, 2007
Winnipeg, MB

Chairperson: Jake Rice

Generally, publications issued from the Department's science advisory meetings are included in the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat's (CSAS) publication series; however, the following publication has been published as a Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences and is available from the Libraries of Fisheries and Oceans Canada website.

Clarke, K.D., Pratt, T.C, Randall, R.G, Scruton, D.A., and Smokorowski, K.E. 2008.  Validation of the flow management pathway: effects of altered flow on fish habitat and fishes downstream from a hydropower dam. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2784: vi + 111 p.

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