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Other Publication

Review of the protocol for the detection and relocation of freshwater mussel species at risk in Ontario Great Lakes Area

Regional Peer Review, Central & Arctic

May 11, 2007
Burlington, ON

Chairperson: Kathleen Martin

Generally, publications issued from the department's science advisory meetings are included in the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat's (CSAS) publication series; however, the following two publications have already been published as Canadian Manuscript Reports of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, and are available from the Library of Fisheries and Oceans Canada's website.

Mackie, G., Morris, T.J., and Ming, D. 2008. Protocol for the detection and relocation of freshwater mussel species at risk in Ontario-Great Lakes Area (OGLA). Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2790: vi +50 p. (1,175 KB)

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