Terms of Reference
Regional Advisory Meeting
Assessment of Rat River Dolly Varden
March 17-19, 2008
Inuvik, NT
Chairperson: Kathleen A. Martin
The northern form of Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) is distributed in western Alaska north to the continental North Slope and extending eastward to the Mackenzie River system. Dolly Varden from the Rat River are considered biologically distinct from the other populations known from Arctic Canada. Although Dolly Varden are considered to be primarily anadromous, some populations are isolated by barriers and/or distance and there are co-occurring resident life history types.
Dolly Varden are harvested along the coastline of the Beaufort Sea by Inuvialuit and Alaskan harvesters (Inupiat) and by beneficiaries in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (Aklavik) and Gwich’in Settlement Area (Aklavik and Fort McPherson). A Rat River Working Group was formed in 1995 with membership from the Gwich’in Renewable Resource Board (GRRB), Fisheries Joint Management Committee (FJMC), Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee (HTC), Aklavik Renewable Resource Council (RRC), Fort McPherson RRC, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to work towards a Fishing Plan that would support sound management of the fishery to maintain a healthy stock of Dolly Varden in the Rat River.
Since 2002, a sharp decline in the Rat River stock occurred based on evidence from harvests, catch-effort and biological characteristics of the population. In March 2006, following Working Group meetings and with the support of residents of Aklavik and Fort McPherson, a decision was taken by co-management partners to close the Rat River fishery on a voluntary basis. All fisheries (subsistence, domestic, commercial and sport fishing) would be closed during the fall migration including the entire migratory route of char, starting from the West Channel, through the Peel and Husky Channels and the Rat River; char monitors would continue to harvest a small number of fish. In addition, a permanent closure of the Rat River fish holes would be implemented. Following review of the monitoring results from 2006, the Working Group recommended a continuance of these management measures for the next two years. The Working Group will re-evaluate in the fall 2008 when a new population estimate will be available.
The status of the Rat River Dolly Varden was last assessed in February 2001.
This advisory meeting is being held to undertake a science-based peer review of all available information relevant to determining the status of the Rat River Dolly Varden stock. This assessment was requested by Fisheries and Aquaculture Management and should include:
• Reviewing all research results and fishery statistics collected since 2000.
• Critically examining the population estimate methods used in the assessments since 2000. Provide recommendations to modify methodology, if required.
• Determining whether there is sufficient information to assess the contribution of Rat River Dolly Varden to the coastal fishery. If not, identify required studies.
• Reviewing any available traditional and local knowledge for Rat River Dolly Varden that would contribute to understanding the current status of the stock.
• Assess risk/benefit of removal of 120 fish annually for population monitoring and determine if non-lethal sampling is possible.
All reports will be published on the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) website: http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/index-eng.htm. The meeting will generate a proceedings report summarizing the deliberations of the participants which will be published in the CSAS Proceedings Series. In addition, there will be a CSAS Research Document produced from the working papers presented at the workshop and a Science Advisory Report which will present the advice resulting from the meeting.
Participants will include DFO Science, DFO Fisheries and Aquaculture Management, Gwich’in Renewable Resource Board, Fisheries Joint Management Committee, Aklavik HTC, Aklavik RRC, Fort McPherson RRC and residents of Aklavik and Fort McPherson.
Timetable for FY 2008/09
Draft proceedings will be circulated to participants for comments in early spring 2008 and a final proceedings document is expected to be submitted to CSAS for publication by the end of June 2008. The Science Advisory Report will be finalized by May 2008 and the research document by June 2008.
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