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Terms of Reference

National Workshop

Terms and Concepts Used in the SARA Program

June 10-11, 2008

Ottawa, Ontario

Chairperson: Jake Rice

Background and Context

Science Sector is hosting a National Science Workshop June 10-11, 2008 in Ottawa to provide guidelines and consistency for terms and concepts used in the Species at Risk Act (SARA) program.

This workshop is a follow-up to discussions at the Critical Habitat and Recovery Potential Assessment (RPA) workshop in August 2007 in Ottawa. At the 2007 workshop, participants identified the need for clearer guidance on how to interpret a number of different terms and concepts used in RPAs and SARA legislation. The 2008 Science workshop will develop guidelines for the interpretation of specific concepts and terms used in the SARA program so that Sectors and Regions can implement these terms in a consistent manner.

The Steering Committee established for the Critical Habitat and Recovery Potential Assessment workshop in August 2007, which included representation from all Regions and Headquarter Sectors, will act as a the Steering Committee for this follow-up workshop.

In the fall, we circulated an email to all 2007 workshop participants to solicit their input on additional terms that may require clarification. Suggested terms were considered by the Steering Committee and a list of terms was selected to be discussed at the workshop.


Review the problems interpreting the following terms and concepts used in the SARA program and provide guidance on best practices for interpreting these terms in a SARA context:

• harm/harass;

• residence;

• damage/destroy/destruction;

• threat;

• acoustic environment (as a dimension of critical habitat);

• prey and hosts (as a dimension of critical habitat);

• jeopardize;

• feasible (is recovery feasible);

• recovery targets.

Proposed Approach and Background Papers

Subject experts will be asked to write and present brief (two to four page) background papers on the terms and concepts to be discussed at the workshop. The background papers will provide the basis for the workshop discussions and will follow the following proposed approach.

1) Review how the specific term or concept fits into the SARA program considering:

a. the context of the term and how this term is used in the SARA program;

b. the problems and difficulties interpreting this term in the SARA context.

2) Review the factors to be considered in interpreting the term.

3) Provide guidance and recommendations on possible solutions of how to interpret the term or concept consistently in a SARA context.

Meeting Output

Outputs of the workshop will include a Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) workshop Proceedings document and a Science Advisory Report, on guidance for interpreting terms and concepts used in the SARA program.

There may be additional CSAS Research Document publications produced on some of the working papers presented at the workshop.


Participation in this workshop will include members of the workshop steering committee; representatives from DFO Science Sector and other Sectors from the NCR, Pacific, Central and Arctic, Quebec, Gulf, Maritimes and Newfoundland Regions.

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