Meeting of the Quebec Regional Advisory Process on the Sea Urchin Fishery in Unit 9 (Upper North Shore)
Maurice-Lamontagne Institute
auditorium Estelle Laberge
850, route de la mer, Mont-Joli, Qc
October 16, 2008, 9h am
Chair : Jacques A. Gagné
The sea urchin fishery is developing rapidly on the North Shore. Landings are very significant and harvesting takes place in a very small area. To support this fishery, The DFO’s Fisheries Management Branch in the Quebec Region is asking the Science Branch to conduct a resource status assessment. The last time this fishery was evaluated was in 2000, and this review will help provide scientific advice regarding the conservation and management of sea urchin populations in Area 9 on Quebec’s North Shore.
Provide scientific advice for managing the sea urchin stock in Area 9 (North Shore) for the 2008 fall fishery and the 2009 fishery. Emphasis will be placed on sea urchin populations at the mouth of the Saguenay Fjord (Batture aux Alouettes, Baie Sainte-Catherine, Batture de la Pointe aux Vaches). This advice will include:
- A sea urchin population status assessment in Area 9 based on an update up to 2008:
- commercial fishery statistics;
- effort and catches per unit effort;
- size structures of landed sea urchins.
- Data analysis (abundance, size frequency, biomass) from a research survey conducted in July 2008 at the mouth of the Saguenay Fjord.
- Outlook and/or recommendations on management measures on the North Shore for the fall of 2008 and for 2009, including a proposal and rationale for dividing Area 9 into sub-areas with limited access.
- Scientific advice
- Research document
- Proceedings summarizing the discussion
DFO scientists
DFO Fishery Managers
Industry representatives
Provincial Advisors
- Date modified: