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Terms of Reference

Gulf Region Science Advisory Process

Potential impact of smallmouth bass introductions on Atlantic salmon: a risk analysis

Jan. 27-28, 2009
Moncton, New Brunswick

Chairperson: Wayne Fairchild


In late September 2008, smallmouth bass was discovered in a lake on the upper watershed of southwest Miramichi River. This discovery was the first known incident of this species in the Miramichi watershed. Within rivers of the Gulf Region, smallmouth are also known to have been introduced and established in Lake Ainslie (NS), a headwater lake of the Margaree River. The Miramichi River and other rivers of Gulf Region are recognized as the most productive Atlantic salmon rivers in the world. Smallmouth bass is recognized as an effective predator of other fish. Its range has been extending into a large number of watersheds in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick with unauthorized introductions by people as the vector.

In response to the documentation of smallmouth bass in Miramichi Lake, a committee was formed comprising people from DFO, New Brunswick’s Department of Natural Resources, Miramichi Watershed Management Committee, Atlantic Salmon Federation, New Brunswick Wildlife Federation, and University of New Brunswick’s Canadian Rivers Institute. The committee agreed that the response to this issue should follow a series of five steps:

  1. A communication strategy would be developed.
  2. Historical electrofishing and lake survey information on the presence/absence of smallmouth bass in the Miramichi watershed would be assembled.
  3. A risk analysis of the potential threat and impact of smallmouth bass on the lifecycle of Atlantic salmon would be conducted at a peer review meeting during the winter of 2009.
  4. Following this peer review, a management team comprising DFO and NBDNR would evaluate the results of the risk analysis and develop, if necessary, a mitigation strategy to be implemented in early spring 2009 for the Miramichi and an overall response strategy for Gulf Region.
  5. The results of steps 3 and 4 would be presented to the public.

Objectives of the peer review and risk analysis

  1. To review the historical distribution, biology, habitat requirements of and its availability to smallmouth bass in the Maritime provinces.
  2. To examine evidence for negative interaction (predation or competition) between Atlantic salmon and smallmouth bass.
  3. To conduct a risk analysis of smallmouth bass impacts on the ecosystem of the rivers of the Gulf Region, with a specific risk analysis of impacts to Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River resulting from the introduction of smallmouth bass in Miramichi Lake.
  4. To evaluate options for and the effectiveness of mitigation measures for minimizing the risks associated with range extension of smallmouth bass, with specific evaluation for the situation in Miramichi Lake.


CSAS proceedings recording the discussion
CSAS Advisory Report of the risk analysis and evaluation of options for mitigation
CSAS research document(s) of the technical details


Participation at the meeting may include:

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