Terms of Reference
Meetings of the Regional Advisory Process for the Quebec Region on Atlantic halibut in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (4RST)
February 18, 2009
Maurice Lamontagne Institute
850, route de la mer, Mont-Joli, Qc
DFO Quebec Science Branch reviews the status of some Gulf of St. Lawrence invertebrates and groundfish stocks in support of management of the fishery. Fisheries and Aquaculture management has requested a scientific advice on Atlantic halibut in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (4RST) in 2009.
- Provide scientific advice on the management of the Atlantic halibut stock status in NAFO Divisions 4RST for the 2009 and 2010 fishing season. This advice shall include:
- An assessment of the status of the Atlantic halibut stock, based on:
- commercial fishery statistic following the 2008 fishing season for the management unit 4RST and NAFO sub-area 3Pn (overall distribution of landings and breakdown by division, fishing gear and month):
- fishing effort and catch rates for the directed fishery on Atlantic halibut by the longline fleet;
- commercial sampling data (size structure), including a breakdown by fishing gear (fixed versus mobile gear) for legal (81 cm and more) and sub-legal size fish (less than 81 cm) ;
- landing data (distribution, abundance and biomass) and biological data (size) from DFO research surveys conducted in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and from mobile sentinel surveys;
- tagging and recapture data related to the tagging program for Atlantic halibut in the Gulf (geographical distribution, size and distances);
- An analysis of the results obtained following the study to determine size at maturity for females for the Atlantic halibut Gulf stock, in the context of the current fishing practices.
- A description of the Atlantic halibut position as predator in the Gulf ecosystem.
- The identification of indicators to follow the stock status during years without formal stock assessment.
- Perspectives for 2009 and 2010 based on the assessment of the trends of fishery and biological indicators.
- CSAS Science Advisory Report on Atlantic halibut in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (4RST).
- CSAS Proceedings summarizing the discussion.
- DFO Science and Fisheries Management
- Fishing industry
- Provincial representatives
- Aboriginal Communities / Organizations
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