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Terms of Reference

Recovery Potential Assessment for Atlantic Whitefish

24-25 March 2009

Days Inn

Dartmouth, NS

Chairperson: Tana Worcester


Atlantic whitefish (Coregonus huntsmani), an anadromous fish endemic to Nova Scotia, was designated as Endangered in April 1984 and was added to Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) when it came into force in 2003. This species was reassessed in 2000 and its endangered status was confirmed at this time. COSEWIC typically reassesses species status every ten years, which means that Atlantic whitefish is expected to be reassessed again in 2010. This Recovery Potential Assessment is being conducted by DFO in preparation for the upcoming reassessment by COSEWIC, as well as to contribute to the ongoing recovery planning efforts.


The overall objective of this meeting is to peer-review information relevant to the upcoming COSEWIC status reassessment of Atlantic whitefish, as well as to determine the potential for recovery of this species. Specifically, to the extent possible:

Status and Trends

  1. Evaluate the present status of Atlantic whitefish’s abundance, range, and number of populations. 
  2. Evaluate the recent trajectory for abundance, range, and number of populations.
  3. Estimate the current life-history parameters for Atlantic whitefish (total mortality, natural mortality, fecundity, maturity, recruitment) or reasonable surrogates; and describe associated uncertainties for all parameters.

Habitat Characterization

  1. Provide functional descriptions of the properties of aquatic habitat (DFO 2007b) required by Atlantic whitefish for successful completion of all life-history stages.
  2. Describe the spatial extent of suitable habitat, i.e., habitat that is likely to have these properties within the species’ range.
  3. Assess how the biological function that specific habitat features provide to Atlantic whitefish vary with the state or amount of habitat, including carrying capacity limits.
  4. Provide advice on any tradeoffs (i.e., pros and cons) associated with habitat allocation options, if any options would be available at the time when specific areas are designated as Critical Habitat. 
  5. Assess the degree to which the supply of suitable habitat meets the demands of Atlantic whitefish at present.
  6. Evaluate residence requirements for Atlantic whitefish, if any.


  1. Quantify the magnitude of each of the major potential sources of mortality identified in the COSEWIC Status Report, from DFO sectors, and other sources.
  2. Identify the activities most likely to result in threats to the functional properties of habitat of Atlantic whitefish, and provide information on the extent and consequences of these activities within its range. [Provide advice on the extent to which various threats can alter the quality and/or quantity of habitat that is available.]
  3. Assess how activities identified in Step 11 have resulted in reductions to habitat quantity and quality to date, if at all.

Mitigation and Alternatives 

  1. Develop an inventory of all feasible mitigation measures that could be used to minimize the threats to Atlantic whitefish and its habitat.
  2. Develop an inventory of all reasonable alternatives to activities that are threats to Atlantic whitefish and its habitat, but with potential for less impact.
  3. Develop an inventory of activities that could increase the productivity or survivorship of Atlantic whitefish.
  4. Provide advice on feasibility of restoring habitat to higher values, if supply may not meet demand by the time recovery targets would be reached.
  5. Estimate the expected impact on abundance and distribution of Atlantic whitefish from identified mitigation measures, alternatives, restoration activities, and activities that may alter the productivity or survivorship of Atlantic whitefish.  

Recovery Targets

  1. Estimate expected abundance and distribution targets for recovery, according to DFO guidelines (DFO 2005).

Assessment of Recovery Potential

  1. Given current population dynamics parameters and associated uncertainties, project expected population trajectories over three generations (or other biologically reasonable time), and trajectories over time to the recovery target using DFO guidelines on long-term projections (Shelton et al. 2007).
  2. Given alternative mortality rates and productivities associated with specific scenarios identified for exploration, project expected population trajectory (and uncertainties) over three generations (or other biologically reasonable time), and to the time of reaching recovery targets.
  3. Assess the probability that the recovery targets can be achieved under current rates of population dynamics parameters, and how that probability would vary with different mortality (especially lower) and productivity (especially higher) parameters.
  4. Assess the degree to which supply of suitable habitat will meet the demand of Atlantic whitefish when it reaches recovery targets for abundance, range and/or number of populations. 


CSAS Science Advisory Report
CSAS Proceedings of meeting
CSAS Research Documents


DFO Science
DFO Fisheries and Aquaculture Management, Oceans and Habitat Management, Policy and Economics, and the SARA Coordination Office
Aboriginal Communities
Province of Nova Scotia
External Reviewers
Non-governmental organizations
Other Stakeholders</>


DFO. 2005. A framework for developing science advice on recovery targets for aquatic species in the context of the Species at Risk Act. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2005/054.

DFO. 2007a. Revised Protocol for Conducting Recovery Potential Assessments. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2007/039.

DFO. 2007b. Documenting habitat use of species at risk and quantifying habitat quality. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2007/038.

Shelton, P.A., B. Best, A. Cass, C. Cyr, D. Duplisea, J. Gibson, M. Hammill, S. Khwaja, M. Koops, K. Martin, B. O’Boyle, J. Rice, A. Sinclair, K. Smedbol, D. Swain, L. Velez-Espino, and C. Wood. 2007. Assessing recovery potential: long-term projections and their implications for socio-economic analysis. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2007/045.

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