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Terms of Reference

Assessment of Green Sea Urchins in Southwestern New Brunswick (LFA 36 & 38) Maritimes Region Science Advisory Process

25-27 March 2009

The Harry Hachey Conference Centre

St. Andrews Biological Station

St. Andrews, NB


Since 1993 a fishery for green sea urchin has been conducted in Southwestern New Brunswick in Lobster Fishing Areas (LFA) 36 and 38.  Catches in each area have ranged between 500 and 1000 t, with mobile gear predominant in LFA 36 while divers were the primary harvest method in LFA 38.  This resource was last assessed in 2000.  Advice was requested by Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Branch on the stock status of green sea urchin in each LFA since the last assessment. This information will form the basis for setting TACs for these fisheries.



CSAS Science Advisory Report
CSAS Proceedings summarizing the discussion
CSAS Research Document


DFO Science
DFO Resource Management 
Fishing industry
NS and NB provincial representatives
Aboriginal communities / organizations
Non-governmental organizations

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