Terms of Reference
Maritimes Region Science Advisory Process
Assessment of 4VWX Herring
7-8 April 2009
George Needler II Boardroom,
Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, NS
Maritimes DFO Fisheries and Aquaculture Management (FAM) requests DFO Science to undertake an annual assessment of the 4VWX herring management unit in support of the upcoming fishery. A new framework for conducting the annual assessment was initiated in 2006, but has not yet been completed. Thus, the 2009 assessment of the status of 4VWX herring will be conducted using the same assessment approach as was used in previous years. The objectives of the meeting are described below.
Review and evaluate biological and fishery information on 4VWX herring stock status for establishing the final quota for 2008/2009 fisheries, as required in the Integrated Fisheries Management Plan, including:
- An evaluation of the southwest Nova Scotia / Bay of Fundy spawning component.
- A compilation and review of information regarding the offshore Scotian Shelf spawning component and the coastal Nova Scotia spawning component.
- Update on southwest New Brunswick migrant juvenile fishery component.
Provide advice on the consequences of different harvest levels during the 2008/2009 fishing year on:
- stock abundance;
- biomass; and
- exploitation rate.
Evaluate the impact of herring and the herring fishery in an ecosystem context, including:
- Description of bycatches.
- Comment on possible benthic impacts.
- Provide information on herring predator/prey interactions.
CSAS Science Advisory Report
CSAS Proceedings
CSAS Research Documents summarizing the working papers
DFO Gulf, Quebec and Maritimes Science
DFO Resource Management
Provincial government (fisheries)
Herring fishing industry
Aboriginal communities
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