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Terms of Reference

National Advisory Process on the Assessment of Ocean Fertilization Consequences and Impacts

September 29 and 30, 2009, Boulton Room (320-B), 615 Booth Street, Ottawa Ontario

Chairperson: Denis Gilbert


In light of the serious and potentially irreversible consequences of climate change, consideration is being given to initiatives that may reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. One such technique is ocean fertilization.

In theory, the distribution of a nutrient, such as iron, over a nutrient deficient area of an ocean stimulates the growth of phytoplankton, converting carbon dioxide to organic matter through photosynthesis. Although much of the current research has focused on ocean iron fertilization, other nutrients, such as urea, phosphates, etc., are being considered for which there is a much greater degree of scientific uncertainty of their intended and unintended consequences.

Canada is engaged in deliberations on the potential control of this activity through its participation in the London Convention/London Protocol (LC/LP). In May 2008, the Scientific and Legal Working Groups of the LC/LP were tasked to evaluate the issue of ocean fertilization and they recommended proceeding toward regulation of the activity.

The legal group proposed that Parties “agree to the concept of regulation such that commercially driven activities are prohibited.” Canada’s supports the LC/LP resolution to not allow ocean fertilization, with the exception of legitimate scientific research. The application of the precautionary approach at this point in time is appropriate, given that ocean fertilization will continue to be a science and policy issue as long as there is a potential to secure carbon credits for trading via this practice; that the activity may pose a risk of serious or irreversible harm; and that there is a lack of scientific certainty as to whether it will work.

The LC/LP Scientific Working Group has developed a Draft Assessment Framework for Scientific Research. The framework provides a tool for assessing scientific research proposals on a case-by-case basis to determine if a proposed activity is consistent with the aims and objectives of the London Convention or Protocol and meets the requirements, as appropriate.

Canada intends to critically examine 0cean fertilization in the coming months through a science-based peer review process led by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Documents arising from this effort will be used to inform the Government of Canada and its international partners on specific questions surrounding ocean fertilization.


The objective of the meeting is to further develop the scientific basis for Canada’s position on 0cean fertilization and provide for the input to the upcoming 31st Consultative Meeting of the London Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from the Dumping of Waste and Other Matter, and the 4th Meeting of Parties to the 1996 London Protocol, which will be held on October 26-30, 2009 (London, UK) and to provide feedback to the Scientific Working Group on their Draft Assessment Framework.

In advance of the meeting, a short contextual document will be circulated along with relevant scientific literature and LC/LP documents, for review by participants.

The peer-review meeting will produce an advisory document and proceedings of the that address the following:


A CSAS Science Advisory Report will be prepared that communicates the conclusions and recommendations arising from the workshop as well as a Proceedings Document that summarizes the workshop discussions. A Research Document may also be produced.


Participation at the meeting will include scientific and subject matter expertise from government and academia and possibly, Environmental Non-Government Organizations and international experts. Participation will be by invitation and the total number of participants will be restricted.

Meeting Coordinator

All inquires for the meeting should be directed to:
Paul Lyon,
Oceanography and Climate Science
Ocean Science-Canadian Hydrographic Service
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
(613) 991-6935

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