Terms of Reference
Meeting of the Central & Arctic Regional Advisory Process (RAP) on Exploratory Fishery Protocol - Nunavut and Northwest Territories Anadromous Arctic Charr
January 13-14, 2010
Freshwater Institute, 501 University Crescent
Co-Chairs: Theresa Carmichael and Ross Tallman
Fisheries and Aquaculture Management, Central & Arctic Region, has submitted a Request for Advice to Central & Arctic Science, Stock Assessment which reads:
Central & Arctic’s five-year exploratory fishery has been in place for many years and was initially developed for freshwater/anadromous finfish species. Given the variety of species now under exploratory license, and the three-stage emerging fisheries policy, the exploratory sampling protocol needs to be re-assessed to ensure it outlines the biological information that needs to be collected and assessed to determine commercial potential of various stocks.
As part of the response to this request for advice, it was determined that the existing protocol is not sufficient to cover the variety of species that are now encountered and that each species (or group of similar species/life history types) would require independent protocols to provide the specific information required to properly assess the stock. As a first step in this process, we will conduct a peer review of the scientific rationale for sampling anadromous Arctic Charr in the Nunavut and the Northwest Territories for a Stage II exploratory fishery under the New Emerging Fisheries Policy. One of the objectives for Stage II exploratory fisheries is to determine whether a species/stock can sustain a commercially viable operation. A peer review of inshore Turbot and an overview protocol for all species will also be conducted in the near future but will not be included in this meeting.
- An analysis of options for recording of catch per unit effort and biological sampling of Anadromous Arctic charr by the NU and NWT resource users (Stage 2 exploratory fishery) will be presented to determine the optimal sampling level for stock assessment will be reviewed. Included in the review will be the following:
- Assessment of the short-comings of the current exploratory protocol.
- Comparative analysis of the sampling options with respect to statistical validity.
The outcome will be reviewed in terms of the new Emerging Fisheries policy
A Science Advisory Report, Proceedings Report, and associated Research Document will be produced as a result of this meeting.
Invited Participants
DFO Fisheries and Aquaculture Management (FAM)
DFO Science
Fisheries Joint Management Committee (FJMC)
Alaska Fish and Game
University of Manitoba topic expert
University of British Columbia topic expert
Nunavut Government
Gwich’in Renewable Resource Board (GRRB)
Nunavut Wildlife Management Board (NWMB)
Other topic experts
*Note that agency representatives must come with demonstrated expertise to the topic
- Date modified: