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Terms of Reference

Assessment of Arctic Surfclam on the Grand Bank

Maritimes Science Advisory Process

7-8 September 2010

George Needler II Boardroom
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
1 Challenger Drive
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Ross Claytor


There has been a quota regulated fishery for Arctic surfclam on the Grand Bank since 1989, although there has not been an assessment framework developed specifically for this area and advice has been provided by DFO Science to Fisheries and Aquaculture Management on an as-needed basis. The Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for the Grand Bank has remained unchanged since 2000 at 20,000 mt.

A review of the assessment framework for other offshore banks (Banquereau and Sable banks) was undertaken during 17–18 January and 4–5 April 2007. The current assessment will apply the results of this review in support of management during the current assessment period. Advice provided during this assessment will be used to determine a harvesting strategy within the context of an Integrated Fisheries Management Plan.  



CSAS Science Advisory Report
CSAS Research Document
CSAS Proceedings


Scientific experts from within DFO
Industry knowledgeable in clam fisheries
Fisheries managers

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