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Fraser Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) Wild Salmon Policy Evaluation of Stock Status: State and Rate
Stock Status Nass River Sockeye Salmon
Stock Status Nass River Chum Salmon
Stock Status Skeena River Chum Salmon

Pacific Regional Advisory Process

November 15 - 18, 2010
Nanaimo, British Columbia

Chairperson: Michael Chamberlain


This Regional Advisory Meeting (RAP) will review four scientific working papers on Fraser Sockeye (36 CUs), Nass River Chum, Skeena River Chum and Nass River Sockeye.

The Fraser River Sockeye Salmon working paper uses the existing Wild Salmon Policy (WSP) toolkit presented in Holt et al. (2009) to evaluate stock status for various Pacific Salmon Conservation Units (CUs).  The working paper provides both a general background on Fraser Sockeye life-history, population trends and threats and a specific background on the history and data quality and quantity for each of the 36 CUs. This paper addresses required ‘Action Steps’ in the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFOs) WSP Strategy 1 (Standardized Monitoring of Wild Salmon Status). It specifically provides advice on the Fraser Sockeye Conservation Units (CUs) and data use, the benchmarks for abundance and trends in abundance metrics, and the stock status for each of the metrics used for the 26 assessable CUs. Abundance benchmarks estimated using different model forms that describe the stock-recruitment relationship (Ricker, Kalman Filtered Ricker model, Larkin model) will also be compared. 

Fraser Sockeye have been identified as one of the priorities for WSP CU benchmark development by the WSP Strategy 1 Steering Committee.  Further, formal WSP stock status evaluations are conditions of certification for the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). 

The objectives of the three North Coast reviews are to describe the current status of Chum salmon in the Nass and Skeena Rivers and Sockeye Salmon in the Nass River. The working papers represent the first formal review of status for Chum salmon in the Nass and Skeena Rivers and the first description of status for non-Meziadan origin sockeye stocks within the Nass River Watershed.  Information and advice presented in these documents and through the RAP proceedings will be used for the development of the 2010 Integrated Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP) and the Nisga'a fishing plan (Nass River stocks), and will contribute to the annual reporting requirements of the Marine Stewardship Certification (MSC) process. 

The following provides a general overview of the four working papers to be reviewed.

Fraser Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) Wild Salmon Policy Evaluation of Stock Status: State and Rate

Stock Status Nass River Sockeye Salmon

 Stock Status Nass River Chum Salmon

Stock Status Skeena River Chum Salmon


The objectives for the review of each working paper are to:

Expected Publications

CSAS Science Advisory Reports (4)
CSAS Proceedings
CSAS Research Documents (based on Working Papers) (1-4)


DFO Science Branch
DFO Fisheries and Aquatic Management Branch
Non-Government Organizations
First Nations Organizations
Commercial and Recreational Fishing Interests

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