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Terms of Reference

Review of the Draft Musquash Estuary Marine Protected Area (MPA) and Administered Intertidal Area (AIA) Monitoring Framework

Maritimes Region Science Advisory Process

December 9-10, 2010
St. Andrews, NB

Chairperson: Eddy Kennedy


The Musquash Estuary in southwest New Brunswick is unique in the region due to its size, expansive salt marshes, and relatively undisturbed natural condition. It is the largest ecologically-intact estuary in the Bay of Fundy. It exhibits a diverse number of habitat types and related biological communities. On December 14, 2006, the lands and waters in the Musquash Estuary, up to the ordinary water level at low tide, were designated a Marine Protected Area (MPA) through regulations made pursuant to Canada’s Oceans Act. A marine protected area is a coastal or marine area given special status to conserve and protect its natural habitat and marine life. Certain intertidal areas adjacent to the MPA are also administered and protected by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) (i.e. Administered Intertidal Areas or AIA).

In support of the Health of the Oceans Initiative, Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) Science Branch is required to deliver indicators, protocols, and strategies for monitoring MPAs that have been designated pursuant to the Oceans Act. Monitoring of biological and ecological indicators (and related threats) is essential for: A) incorporating an ecological component into broader MPA monitoring ‘frameworks’, ‘plans’, or ‘programs’; B) tracking status, condition, and trends to determine if MPAs are effective in achieving their conservation objectives; and C) aiding managers in the adjustment of MPA management plans to achieve conservation objectives, in support of reporting to Parliament and Canadians. Thus, the selection of indicators, protocols, and strategies for the collection and analysis of data must be scientifically defensible.

A Maritimes Region Science Advisory Process will be conducted to review proposed indicators, protocols, and strategies for monitoring the Musquash Estuary MPA and AIA.


The objective of this meeting is to provide a scientific peer review of the proposed Musquash Estuary MPA and AIA monitoring framework, specifically to determine:

  1. Are the proposed monitoring indicators, protocols, and strategies identified in the framework appropriate and feasible to monitor the conservation objectives of the Musquash Estuary MPA and AIA?
  2. Are there any outstanding sources of uncertainty that might influence the selection or implementation of the proposed monitoring indicators, protocols, and strategies? 
  3. Are there any other considerations that should be taken into account in the development of the proposed monitoring framework for the Musquash Estuary MPA and AIA?


CSAS Science Advisory Report
CSAS Proceedings
CSAS Research Document


DFO Science Branch
DFO Oceans, Habitat and Species at Risk Branch
DFO Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Branch
Parks Canada
Environment Canada
Non-Government Organizations
New Brunswick Provincial Representatives
Aboriginal Communities / Organizations

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