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Terms of Reference

Assessment of Arctic Surfclam on Banquereau

Maritimes Regional Science Advisory Process

19-20 October 2011
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

Chairperson: Tana Worcester


There has been an Arctic Surfclam fishery on Banquereau since 1986.  At that time, the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) was set at 30,000 t.  Three factory freezer-processors fished year round, with catches up to 25,000 t. A 1996-1997 Industry-DFO survey of Banquereau resulted in a reduction of the TAC for Banquereau from 30,000 t to 24,000 t in 2005.

An assessment framework for the offshore banks (Banquereau and Sable banks) conducted in 2007 recommended that the fishing mortality, F, should be a function of the natural mortality, M (DFO ). With the uncertainties from a relatively new fishery and lack of a survey time series, a conservative level of F=0.33M was recommended as appropriate. The 2007 assessment of Banquereau surfclam determined that a TAC of 24,000 t corresponded to a fishing mortality of 0.0164.

A survey of Banquereau was conducted in 2010. This assessment will apply the 2007 framework using the more recent survey information.  Advice will be used to determine a harvesting strategy within the context of an Integrated Fisheries Management Plan.


Expected Publications



DFO. 2007.  Proceedings of the Maritime Provinces Regional Advisory Process on Assessment and Management Strategy Framework for Banquereau Arctic Surfclam and Ocean Quahogs on Sable Bank and in St. Mary’s Bay. 17-18 January 2007; 4-5 April 2007. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Proceed. Ser. 2007/008.

DFO. 2007.  Assessment of the Ocean Quahog (Arctica islandica) Stocks on Sable Bank and St. Mary’s Bay, and the Arctic Surfclam (Mactromeris polynyma) Stock on Banquereau. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Sci. Advis. Rep. 2007/034.


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