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Terms of Reference

Atlantic Cod in Subdivision 3Ps

Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Advisory Process

October 25th – 28th, 2011
St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

Chairperson: Dr. Robin Anderson, DFO Science, NL Region


The status of NAFO Subdivision 3Ps cod was last assessed in October, 2010. The current assessment is requested by Fisheries and Aquaculture Management (1) to provide the Minister with detailed advice on the status of the stock and the implications of a possible cod fishery on this stock in 2012/13 and (2) to assist in developing a rebuilding plan for 3Ps cod.



A Science Advisory Report (SAR) and associated Research Document(s) will be produced. A Proceedings will record the meeting discussions.



Participation to CSAS peer review meetings is by invitation only.

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